Thursday, 5 July 2012

Port McNeil

Up at 0600 and departed Blind Channel at 0615, breakfast underway.  An incredibly calm passage up Johnstone Strait with the current pushing us an extra two to four knots.  Lots of logs along the way so we had to stay alert. However there was very little boat traffic today.  We pulled into the Port McNeil fuel dock at 1300.  We havn't added any fuel since our May trip to Anacortes.  The trip up consumed 214 gallons but we filled to the top of the tanks - 1590 litres, about 400 gallons. We got a discount for a large volume purchase and decided to stay the night and prep the boat for crossing to Rivers Inlet.  The weather looks good for a morning crossing tomorrow but we will check it again at 0400 tomorrow morning.
Fuel filtration - check for water and drain it from the bowls. (none found)

I spent the afternoon doing mechanical checks while Julie made the boat shipshape. From McNeil it is a 55 mile run to Rivers Inlet.  About thirty miles will be "outside" or exposed to the Pacific swells. Once we are up there we will slow down and do some fishing, crabbing and prawning.  No internet for several days so there won't be any reports for a while.
In the center is the water maker. Filters that need to be changed are to the left.
Raw water strainer for engine cooling water - clean out the seaweed so it doesn't clog!

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