After two days in Frypan we decided to venture out. It was tough to hear the weather reports on the VHF so we didn't know what was in store. We crossed Rivers Inlet without a problem and tied up in Duncanbly fishing resort. These guys are mainly there to charter fishing tours but they have some dock space for transient boaters. But they really charge for it! $40 for power and $1.50 per foot. They have intermittant internet so we downloaded the weather reports. Not good.
The NW winds are still howling out between the Charlottes and the mainland. The seas are over three meters and hit a high of over six meters. So we waited. And waited some more. Eventually we tried to head South but ten miles out I bailed because the seas were over two meters and building. We pulled into Smith Inlet and spent the night. The next morning was worse so we snuck back up to Duncanby, paid and waited some more.
Finally on day five we went across Queen Charlotte Sound in seas of 1.5 meters and winds of 15 knots. We tied up in Port McNeill very tired, very salty and completely out of groceries.
Coast Guard rescue boat headed North to help someone. |